Friday, 27 October 2017

Melt Fat Safely in Weeks and get smoother tighter skin as a side effect

Coolsculpting has got to go down as the biggest fraud in the short history of medical aesthetics. It is a more dangerous procedure with three admitted side effects that would require surgery, that takes longer and has worse results; more loose skin vs more tighter skin with melting fat. As absurd as it is to freeze vs melt its hard for people to get the truth when people see the $100 million dollar advertising budget of Coolsculpting every day. Although most logical intelligent prospective patients that I speak to tell me they already looked into Coolsculpting and understand the procedure and already ruled it out as an option. It makes no sense at all to wait 2 to 4 months just to see how much loose skin you are going to get and then pay to get rid of that condition that the Coolsculpting created. Honest providers explain that they will require a different treatment to deal with the loose skin created by the coolsculpting. The problem is the alternatives like Thermage, Exilis, Vanquish, Liposonix and the literally dozens of radio frequency devices that melt fat dont advertise so patients dont really know their options as they pass Coolsculpting billboards and see TV commericals every day. The manufacturers of the fat melting devices dont need to advertise because the real top smart aesthetic doctors who do their research continue to buy their technologies. Plus top doctors dont risk patient safety for a fad that has dangerous side effects.


Tuesday, 24 October 2017

Coolsculpting the $100 million dollar advertising elephant in the room

We chose not to add Coolsculpting we already melt fat in weeks vs months with Coolsculpting. Our side effect is smoother tighter skin Coolsculpting side effect is more loose skin which then costs the patient another procedure, very immoral. Finally it has 3 side effects that would require surgery to correct. Dr Lisa would never allow something that dangerous for her patients.


Sunday, 1 October 2017

Stretch Marks Still the only one !

Not only are we the only ones who are treating stretch marks with Carboxytherapy, which works. We also make it painless. And they dont come back. We have been doing it for 10 years. New stretch marks can be created if you have another baby or gain and lose a lot of weight, but the ones we remove are gone and they dont come back. This is probably the only procedure that you can say that about. Other skin tightening procedures and need maintenance. But stretch marks are like a scar. Once it is gone its gone. And it works on old ones new ones and any color skin as well


Friday, 21 July 2017

Have you tried the “Hollywood Combo? The Combination Treatment of Thermage and Exilis?

Hollywood just discovered what many of our patients have been enjoying for over 5 years.  A few weeks ago, we were told by our Aesthetic Representative that the newest rage in Hollywood is combining Thermage and Exilis to enhance the skin tightening and fat reduction result.  Actually, we introduced the first Exilis to NY long before there was even a single machine in California.  The first thing Dr Lisa and Danielle did was develop protocols combining the 2 procedures for maximum results.  For your information in Hollywood they charge more for the combination treatment because they think it’s so unique they can charge whatever they want.  We recognize and appreciate your patronage and offer the same price for the combination treatment and sometimes offer a slight discount for the combination treatment.  Our protocol also includes proprietary collagen building supplements (developed by Dr Lisa) like Collagenesis and Perfect C to enhance the protocol even further.  But don’t tell Hollywood because they will likely double the price again.  Maybe that’s why so many LA patients choose to do their body shaping when they are here in NY along with our many international patients   Well for those of you that are here you are in luck

Call us asap to schedule a consult to see what we can do get you in your best beach body before the summer is gone.  Obliterate your cellulite with acoustic wave in just a few weeks, eliminate stretch marks, non-surgically, remove fat (by melting not freezing) and tighten your skin.  Explore the best combination protocols personalized to get what your body needs.  Be sure to call at least a week or two in advance to try to find a time the matches your availability.

Stay beautiful



Thursday, 8 June 2017

Lose Your Cellulite in just a few Weeks

The Acoustic Wave is the gold standard in Europe for cellulite  and can be done a few times a week.  If one was to take on an aggressive program like that you could knock off the 10 required treatments in just a few weeks.  Its your cellulite, love it or lose it.  Now there is a way.  Make no mistake this is not some silly soft massage like endermologie, which too many people tried with no results.  Certain acoustic wave machines can break kidney stones.  This one is calibrated to break up the fibrous connective tissue that makes up your cellulite.  This is one of the favorite treatments that patients absolutely love.  Come for a free consult ASAP and get rid of your cellulite.  PS the treatment is between 15 and 20 minutes nothing could be easier.  Rumor has it a certain material girl has her own machine.


Wednesday, 10 May 2017

Start now lose your cellulite, stretch marks excess fat before 4th of July weekend, Free consult Non Surgical

Last Chance to optimize your body for summer, loose skin, stretch marks, cellulite, fat loss Non Surgical

Stretch marks, cellulite, fat loss, loose skin.   Most of the procedures require multiple treatments.  But if you start now you can literally lose your stretchmarks, cellulite excess fat before 4th of July weekend.



Monday, 20 March 2017

Lose Your Cellulite and Stretchmarks in time for Summer

Believe it or not its getting late. We have some of the world’s greatest technologies for loose skin, cellulite, strechmarks and non surgical fat reduction but they all take a number of weeks to reach maximum results. Acoustic Wave the gold standard in Europe for cellulite takes 10 session, if you did one a week, you could be done by June. Carboxytherapy for stretchmarks requires 6 to 12 sessions a week apart. that could be 3 months, again, April, May June Exilis, non surgical fat reduction once a week for around 6 weeks and finally Thermage to tighten loose skin, you get some results right off the table but as the collagen grows you get smoother tighter skin up to 6 months later so thats already mid summer. Get started right away with a free consult today. Call us anytime. We even answer the phones nights and weekends to make appointments. PS unless you live under a rock you have probably seen the 90 million dollar advertising campaign by coolsculpting. If all goes well you will have more loose skin and need a radio frequency treatment like Thermage or Exilis after your coolsculpting. We think thats a little stupid, why not melt your fat in the first place and have smoother tighter skin as a side effect vs paying for a treatment that creates a problem that forces you to pay for another treatment. Let alone all the people that are complaining about residual pain. Are they affecting the nerves ? Why would someone still be in excruciating pain months later ? Stick with radio frequency treatments like Thermage and Exilis they have been proven to be the safest for over 15 years.


Friday, 17 March 2017



Wednesday, 1 February 2017

Stretch marks, Stretchmarks Stretchmark Stretch Mark Anyway you say it no one wants them

It also seems like no one knows that there has been relief available for over a decade. Originally popularized in Brazil Carboxytherapy for Stretch marks was brought to the United States By Dr Lisa Zdinak. In fact I noticed on Quora no one had an answer for it, and many Doctors were misleading the public with suggestions like surgery or lasers which can not reach the depth of where the stretch mark lies but in addition could cause hyper pigmentation or hypo pigmentation. I took it upon myself to offer some answer on Quora which I will simply copy over to here for those who like to read a lot about a topic in addition to what Dr Lisa wrote on our page about Stretchmarks
Some times hearing it again in a slightly different way might resonate for a better understanding.
Three of my answers on Quora;
The only effective treatment for stretchmarks is Carboxytherapy. A laser may hyper or hypopigment your skin (dark or light spots) Carboxytherapy works on older stretchmarks as well as newer ones. It also works better on darker skin who particularly need to be concerned about using a laser. Carboxytherapy breaks up the stretchmark and increases circulation Dr Lisa did the original United States studies on Carboxytherapy and wrote the research papers about it. She uses the Brazilian technique. There are hundreds of providers of Carboxytherapy in Brazil.

Stretch marks are not superficial and will not respond to any cream or oil. If you are lucky and have great genes your body will resolve on it own. If after a long period of time nothing is helping you might want to try Carboxytherapy.

Carboxytherapy is the only therapy that actually resolves stretch marks. Lasers can easily cause dark or light spots. Plus lasers are only going to reach the very superficial layers of the skin. The stretch mark is much deeper.
Try all the natural treatments. And give it enough time to see if it heals on its own. Its your body’s response to a rapid change in skin size most often following pregnancy. If all the natural home remedies fail, the one treatment that works is Carboxytherapy. Ironically it is equally natural. Its the infusion of Carbon Dioxide gas. Every cell in your body is excreting carbon dioxide and bringing in oxygen. What this does is fool your body into increasing circulation as well as break up the stretch mark. It usually requires between 6 and 12 treatments. You can find it in every major city, NY, LA, Paris, London and overwhelmingly in Brazil where it originated.


Exclusive Summer Save Now offers Maximum Slimming results in July

Dr. Zdinak’s Thermage Happy New Years Gift to You! Extending one month thru February and to anyone who reads this

If you want your best body for summer you need to do your Thermage NOW to shrink off that Holiday tummy gain!

You all know that Thermage is the gift that keeps on giving so, if you Thermage today your peak results are five months away which is…June, baby!! (“Honeymoon, in June…”)?!

To sweeten the pot a little, for those of you that book your summer body Thermage during the month of January, I will GIVE you three sessions of Exilis body shaping to a different area free of charge!! That’s a two for one deal! So, Thermage your tummy and Exilis your arms! Or, Thermage your legs and Exilis your tummy!

The possibilities are endless, but the offer is limited so call 212-799-1411 to book your Thermage today to guarantee that your second body part looks as good as the price tag!

See you soon, Slim!!
